Film Friday – That’s Me!

It’s Friday! Which really means lots of work this weekend, but I’ll take it!

I thought I’d kick off the weekend with a quick look back; as I mentioned earlier this week, I have baby on the brain, so I thought it would be appropriate to look back to when I was a wee one. This photo was taken when I was about 3 -4 years old. I only know this because there is also photo of my sister as a baby sitting in front of the same flowers. In fact this photo is one of a bunch of photos featuring kids from my old neighborhood. I think my mother fancied herself a kid photographer for the day. And I for one am grateful for this snapshot of my past.

In the age of digital cameras have a significantly shorter shelf life than film cameras. I am going to assume that this photo was taken with the Pentax ME Super that I still have. My mother let me use her Pentax when I took photography in high school and to my knowledge it is the only SLR she ever owned. I like the fact that the camera I have sitting on my bookshelf is the same camera that was used to take this photo. Digital camera’s will never have that sort of history.






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