Who Me? Part 3

A few weeks ago I started a series of self portraits to examine my identity. Last post I talked a bit about turning 30 and this week I want to talk about it a bit more. Specifically that in my 30’s I plan on becoming a Mom. I have always wanted to have kids and as far back as I can remember my life plan was to get married in my late 20’s have kids in my 30’s and then live to be 100. Well, one down, two to go and 71 more years left for the rest of it. All that said, having kids kinda freaks me out. Not that I don’t think I can do it (I have been told by numerous parents that I am great with kids) but they are a lot of responsibility! I remember when Kevin and I arrived home with Charlie I had to have a stiff drink because I was overwhelmed by the fact that I was now responsible for this little life. And Charlie is a dog! He does just fine being penned up in the kitchen for 3-4 hours a day with nothing but a chew toy and a bowl of water (mostly he sleeps). But after that first night having Charlie just became part of my life and even though having him entails a bit more responsibility he makes me laugh everyday and his little squishy face makes my heart melt. So, I sort of expect everything to be magnified with a baby. More sleepless nights than having a dog, but also way cuter squishy little faces, toes and bellies. I also suspect that how I view myself will change significantly when I have a kid. Being a Mom will move to the top of the list when I describe myself.

Special thanks to Krysta Dey for letting me “borrow” her baby. And an extra special thanks to her eldest son for being my assistant and doing an extra special job pressing the shutter release.







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