Who Me? Part II

Two weeks ago I started doing a series of self portrait as an exercise to examine who I am. The last one can be seen here. This week I want to talk a bit about turning 30, and I would like to start out by saying “Bring It!” (It’s 10 months away in case you are wondering). I am not really afraid of growing old (or dying for that matter) and I would like to think that I am not so vain that the physical act of ageing bothers me. That said, I have noticed more wrinkles on my face and they don’t necessarily make me break into song. On the other hand, I have lost some weight recently (I attribute this to dog walking and cutting down sugar/carbs in my diet – as not much else has changed in my lifestyle) and I now weigh the same I did in high school, and that makes me feel damn good! I have plans for my thirties – like having kids – and that part of my life excites me. It is a whole new level of commitment, laughter, love, heartache and just plain work that I want in my life. Having a dog has given me a very mini sneak peak into parenthood and although I am not always thrilled about picking up his poo, he does make me laugh every single day. I am also looking forward to sharing more of my life with my husband and close friends and am happy to have reached a point in my life where I know that I am surrounded by people that love me for who I am. And who want to continue experiencing our lives together in even more meaningful ways.

So this week I embraced my inner hippie. I remember being a hippie for Halloween in grade 5; I had bell bottom pants, lots of my Mom’s necklaces and a peasant shirt. Sort of a 70’s flower child mash-up. I toned it down a bit this time round. I appreciate nature and think we as a human race could do a bit more to keep more of it around. I like the idea of living of living off grid – though I do acknowledge that this isn’t really feasible at this point in my life – and also that there are a lot of things that I should (and can) be doing, but which I am not at this point. The idea of unplugging appeals to me in a lot of ways and maybe that is why I love going to my mom’s house to much (there is no cell reception at her house, and her internet is so slow it might as well be dial-up). I grew up in the suburbs maybe it was just being a teenager, but a life of travelling and adventure also seemed just fine to me. As someone approaching 30 and starting to think about kids and eventually retiring I am quickly brought back to reality, and the world we live in requires money. So being a carefree hippie doesn’t seem like it is in the cards. But enjoyed it for a little while yesterday:


Portrait photography

Peace and love will never go out of style.

Have a great day!







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